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Creating the Perfect Study Space for Your Child
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Creating the Perfect Study Space for Your Child

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to support your child's education. An important part of this is providing them with a dedicated study space where they can focus on their schoolwork. With some planning and effort, you can create an ideal study area in your Zimbabwean home that will aid your child's learning and development. Consider space for your child's study area when viewing options for your first or next home purchase.


The location of the study space is vital. Find a quiet spot in your home away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house. Ideally, pick a room with a door that can be closed to minimise distractions and noise. If space is limited, a corner of a bedroom or other room can work as long as it feels separate from the rest of the room. 


Proper lighting is essential for creating a good study space. Make sure the area has a bright overhead light as well as a desk lamp. Natural light is great too, so position the desk near a window if possible. Avoid glare on the work surface that can strain the eyes. Dimmer switches allow the lighting to be adjusted as needed.

Desk and Chair

Invest in a high-quality and ergonomic desk and chair designed for extended studying. The desk should be large enough to hold books, a computer and other supplies. The chair should be comfortable and adjustable to provide proper back support. An ergonomic desk and chair set-up can help prevent muscle strain and fatigue. 


Incorporate plenty of storage space for study supplies. Shelving, drawers, bins and other organisational pieces will help keep everything accessible yet tidy. Storage near the desk should hold items used daily like pens, pencils, paper and frequently used books or devices. Additional shelves around the room can store extra supplies, workbooks and projects.  

Personal Touches

While function is important, you also want your child to feel comfortable and at home in their study area. Encourage them to add some personal items like photos, art, bulletin boards and their favourite lamp. Allocating a pinboard or whiteboard in their space allows them to brainstorm ideas and display important papers or schedules. A rug can also warm up the space.

Minimise Distractions

To aid focus, aim to minimise distractions in the study zone. Keep it free from clutter and loud devices like televisions. A radio or music player with headphones is fine for background noise. Ensure your child has a comfortable space to work away from household commotion. Teach them to avoid digital distractions from a phone, tablet or computer, not in use for studying. 

Set a Schedule

Establish a regular study schedule for your child and make sure they stick to it. The routine will help reinforce it as a dedicated workspace. During scheduled study times, explain to other members of the household that their studying should not be disrupted unless necessary. Posting a do not disturb sign on the door can help maintain the schedule.


Keep the study area stocked with essential school supplies like paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, rulers, scissors and glue. Depending on your child's needs, you may need to also provide a calculator, laptop, textbooks, chargers, a printer or other equipment. Make sure to replenish supplies as needed.

Reference Materials 

Consider designating a section of shelving for reference or reading materials like dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlases or trade journals. Have computers or tablets available to access online resources. Nearby bookshelves doubling as a mini library also give students quick access to reading materials for reports without leaving their study space.

Incentivise Use

Encourage regular studying by allowing certain toys, games or electronic privileges only while in their study space. For instance, during scheduled study times they can play learning computer games but at other times those programs are restricted. Clearly establish rules and consequences for improper use of the study area.

When investing in a property remember to ensure there is space to accommodate a child's study area. With some planning, your child's study area can become their learning hub. Set them up for success academically by providing a well-equipped, organised and distraction-free workspace. Partner with your child to create a space they enjoy spending time in while focusing on their education. Establishing these habits now will benefit them well beyond their school years.