Beatrice Farm On Sale
650 ha in size
Title deed.
Letter of present interest
89km from Harare
9km off main rd which is being upgraded to tarred.
Security fence right round the farm All paddocks fenced
Farm and mangers house durawalled
Farm house is a 6 bed rmd double storey 3 years old.
Managers house 3 bedroomed and modern.
A grocery shop.
A butchery and an abbatoir.
6 prolific boreholes, incomplete dam,a harrnessble stream running through the farm. Mupfure River nearby.
Zesa available.
Warehouse used for grainary purposes. Keeping of stockfeeds,farm implements and machinery.
Wild game.
Gray loam soils suitable for crops such as maize,tobbacco,beans and related crops
Rainfall region.